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Born in Villanueva de Castellón (Valencia) in 1977, he began his
musical studies at the Musical Society of his hometown with
Professor Hermeregildo Rosas, Manuel Climent and Fernando
Climent, among others. Later, he continued his clarinet studies with
Professor Josep Fuster.
In 1999 he obtained the position of clarinet in the Music Band of the
IGE (General Inspection of the Army) of Barcelona and continued his
higher studies of music at the “conservatori superior de música del
Liceu” and with Josep Fuster.
In 2002 he obtained a diploma in pedagogical aptitude (CAP) at the
Polytechnic University of Catalonia and, that same year, he was awarded the Honor Award of
Clarinet of higher degree to the “conservatori superior de música del Liceu”.
He has studied with professors Rafael Grimal, Alberto Veintimilla, Enrique Pérez Piquer, Erich
In 2013 he took the course: YAMAHA – CLASSBAND (Music Teaching system & method), taught
by YAMAHA in Barcelona, where he obtained the corresponding diploma.
He has been a clarinet teacher at the “Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu” in Barcelona.
He participated in the recording of a CD for the record label "NAVONA RECORDS" with works by
the composer Osias Wilensky.
Since 2001 he has been a clarinet teacher at the Municipal School of Music "Can Roig i Torres"
in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona.
In 2016 he premiered in the Auditorium Ateneu Mercantil de Valencia the work for clarinet and
piano "CONCERTANTE" by the composer Juan B. Meseguer Llopis, dedicated personally.
Since 2017 he has participated as a clarinet teacher in the courses of summer organized por la
escuela de música "TRI‐TÒ" of Barcelona.
He is currently the first clarinet of the Orquestra Universitat de Barcelona (OUB), collaborating
over time with the Municipal Band of Barcelona. Clarinet teacher at the E.M. Lurdes de
Barcelona. He is founder and director of the Band de Música de Santa Coloma de Gramenet
(Barcelona) and professor of clarinet at the E.M.M. in the same city.
He is a founding member of the "BCN‐5et" quintet composed of clarinet and string quartet and
from “TRIO ROMA” composed of clarinet, cello and piano. He form duo with pianist Chang Rock
Moon. As a concertist he has given concerts in: Rome, Barcelona, Pontifical Vatican Auditorium
Hall, Valencia, Lleida, among other cities.
He is currently invited as a clarinet teacher to teach MASTERCLASS and courses in both
conservatories and music schools.
He is an artist/endorser of the Italian brand of clarinet nozzles STORTI CLARINET MOUTHPIECE
and the Argentine brand VIENTOS BAMBÚ.

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